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3 capacity building programmes, aimed at savvy business owners who, in this highly competitive and fast paced world want to stay ahead of the crowd and on top of their game.

What is keeping you up at night?

You’re too busy working

“in” the business

 You’ve lost sight of what you wanted your business to be or how to make that vision become a reality.

You’re so wrapped up in the day to day “stuff”, that the energy, passion and purpose you once felt has gone.

You make decisions on your feet, often with no consideration of their long-term impact.

You set Goals but those are quickly abandoned as dealing with the day to day running of the business and resolving problems takes up all of your time and attention.

Your employees appear to have a little sense of urgency or commitment.


If this sounds like you, then the

“Goliath Business Strategy Programme”

can help you!

find out more

Time seems unmanageable


You’re working too hard, too long and accomplishing too little.


You’re spinning from one

thing to the next.


You start projects, but

don’t finish them.


You have no time to think as

interruptions and distractions sap

your focus and energy.


You see interesting, lucrative opportunities slip through your fingers because you can’t handle what’s already on your plate.


There never seems to be

any “time” for you.


If this sounds like you, then the

“Goliath’s Productivity Programme”

can help you!

find out more

You're struggling to make your business stand out

You are not getting

enough business


You are not attracting

your ideal clients.

You don’t charge enough

for your product/services.

You need to develop your brand

but you are unsure about how

to go about it


You are bored or frustrated

with the work you’re currently doing.

You are finding it hard to

stand out among your


If this sounds like you, then the

“Goliath’s Business Marketing Programme” can help you!

find out more

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