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Fitness to Practice


We take it upon ourselves to ensure we have up-to-date qualifications, skills and experience appropriate to the needs of our prospective clients. In exceptional circumstances and when appropriate to do so, we will refer them to other specialist providers who can meet their needs more readily.


We possess professional indemnity insurance adequate to cover our coaching practice and training provision.


Maintaining Good Practice


We always act in a manner that shows respect for people and organisations, and enhances the reputation of the coaching and training professions. Any claims we make about coaching and training are honest and reflect current knowledge and understanding.


As champions of equality of opportunity we remain sensitive to issues of culture, religion, gender, sexuality, disability, race and all other aspects of diversity.


We monitor the quality of our work through feedback from clients and other appropriate professionals.


To ensure the quality of our work We complete each year at least 30 hours of continuing professional development (CPD) in the theory and practice of coaching


We regularly reflect on our practice and development with a suitably qualified and experienced coaching supervisor.


If we find a client to need levels of psychological support we are not competent to provide, we refer them to an appropriate source of care, such as the their GP, a counsellor, psychotherapist, or another appropriate service or agency.




Before starting work with a client, we ensure that they know and fully understand the nature of and terms and conditions of any coaching contract, including session cost and frequency.  We are transparent about the methods we use, and are ready to supply our clients with information about the processes involved on request.


We consider the impact on our client of any relationships we may have with other clients and sponsoring organisations, and discuss any potential conflict of interest with those who might be affected.


While confidentiality is an essential aspect of our commitment to clients, we are obliged to inform the appropriate authorities if evidence of illegal activity or the potential for harm to the client or others is disclosed during the engagement. If possible and appropriate to do so, this will be done with the client’s consent and permission. If the client is a child or vulnerable adult, arrangements will be made with their sponsors to ensure a level of confidentiality in the best interests of that person while working within current legislation.


We respect our client's right to terminate the engagement at any point in the process.


Statutory and Legal Duties


We keep up to date and comply with statutory and  legal requirements that affect our work.


We keep appropriate and accurate records of our work with clients and ensure they remain confidential, are stored securely, and comply with the Data Protection Act.


And finally... as consultants, trainers and coaches we will:


  • Seek to reconcile personal and corporate values

  • Safeguard the reputation and assets of the organisation

  • Uphold lawful policies, practices and procedures and seek to enhance them in the interests of good management practice

  • Act in a manner which supports the organisation’s overall objectives and contributes to the achievement of targets set

  • Apply all available remedies and procedures to address matters we perceive as improper or as falling below acceptable standards of professional practice

  • Safeguard all confidential and/or proprietary information that comes into our possession

  • Ensure that we properly understand stakeholder interests and respond to them in a balanced manner

  • Establish, maintain and develop business relationships based on mutual confidence and trust

  • Neither offer nor accept gifts, hospitality or services which could create, or imply, an improper obligation

  • Refrain from entering into any agreement or undertake any activity which is unlawful or anti-competitive

Code of Ethics and Good Practice

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