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What is keeping you up at night?

  • Do you have an overwhelming to-do list?

  • Do you often feel you’re not focusing on what’s most important?

  • Do you have a mile-long list of uncompleted projects?

  • Are you constantly getting distracted and interrupted?

  • Have you got too much information coming at you too quickly?

  • Do you have one too many client deadlines?

  • Are you lacking time to think…or time for you?


The Goliath Business Productivity Programme will show you how to:


  • Pinpoint your top priorities – the things that really matter

  • Cultivate new habits and mindsets that support small business productivity

  • Optimise your environment and set boundaries around distractions and interruptions

  • Have time to think so you can proceed in a strategic, organised and  productive fashion

  • Achieve more in less time

  • Take regular holidays and days off so you have more time to enjoy your life

  • Stay on track

  • Increase confidence, reduce overwhelm and stress

The Goliath Business Productivity Programme includes all the critical elements you need to move from “stretched too thin” to ultra-productive:


  • Effective productivity techniques, teaching you how to get more done in less time

  • A Bespoke Action Plan for you to follow and fast-track your results

  • One to one coaching and implementation support to gain clarity, upgrade your skills and overcome any obstacles to productivity success

  • Ongoing guidance, support and accountability to actually attain better focus and productivity

All programmes begin with a complimentary preliminary diagnostics session


To request a call back to arrange yours click here

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